Memorial Day

I will be the first to admit that I was another one of those people who grew up thinking that Memorial Day weekend was just a three day weekend...a chance to play before school got out. Growing up, it meant the kick off to camping season. We would enjoy a weekend out at the lake playing. I always found it kind of odd that a friend's family visited a cemetery every year. I figured that it was just a family tradition. However, I didn't understand the significance of the tradition. 

As an adult, I can't say that I was much better. Normally, my birthday bumped up to Memorial Day weekend. The holiday that I celebrated was me...3 or 4 days all dedicated to my birthday. Yep- I am admitting that at times I can be a little self centered. I have to admit that, this year, I felt a twinge of disappointment finding out that my birthday fell on the Tuesday before Memorial big weekend birthday getaway trip.

Even though I served in the military, it wasn't until I was a military wife that I fully understood the significance of Memorial Day. Not that I was much younger when I was in the military, I think my military years were still getting my own personal grasp on life. By the time I was a military wife and mother, I began to think of the world beyond just me. When I was in the military, my focus was on serving. As a military spouse, my attention gravitated more towards community and traditions. With that, I learned the distinction between the military related holidays. I also realized that many well intentioned people mix the holidays...thanking active duty on Veterans Day and thanking any veteran on Memorial Day. After hearing an advertisement on television thank those who are currently serving for Memorial Day, I decided to recreate a "Military Holidays Quick Guide" through my other business site.

In honor of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, my daughters and I are participating in a couple of local events: posting flags for Memorial Day and attending a Memorial Day service at a local cemetery. I would also like to encourage people to consider local ways in their communities that they can honor those who gave their lives for our country. 

