Janey SchellComment

Not the Roaring Twenties that I planned...

Janey SchellComment
Not the Roaring Twenties that I planned...

How many people were ready to roar into 2020? Hand raised- I was! Well, the 20 twenties did not start off like planned at all. For my little family, it started with good intentions followed by the start of a new college term, followed by a flu/not flu that turned into pneumonia (potentially early case of coronavirus-?-), followed by catch up with college, followed by finals, followed by the giant start of known coronavirus, Disney closing, everyone’s lives being turned upside down, and at the same time topping it all with other separate health issues. That was a really long way to say this was not the Roarin’ Twenties that I was expecting. I planned on jumping straight back into my blog and prepping for graduation in May. Instead, life was knocked a little off track. Something had to go and school was a priority; so, it was the blog.

Right now is the perfect time to get things up and running. I will be blogging. However, it will be a slow start as our hosting site updated. This has us in the process of fully reformatting our blog. There will be a new look soon.

Wishing everyone health and safety.
