Holiday Grilled Cheese

For me Thanksgiving is about food and memories. One of my great Thanksgiving memories actually comes from the day after Thanksgiving. My dad introduced me to the post-holiday turkey sandwiches. Before I tried it, I was hesitant at the thought of cranberry sauce combined on a turkey sandwich. However, it became a favorite of mine. As an adult, I preferred Thanksgiving at my own house so that I knew I would have turkey to combine with my homemade cranberry sauce for sandwiches the next day. Surprisingly, this year, I decided to try something new...and it turned out great. So, if you are living with extra turkey and would like a change, here is a twist on the traditional post-holiday sandwich. 




This super simple sandwich does not truly need directions, but here we go.

1. On a gridle (or in a frying pan), place buttered bread butter side down. 

2. Layer brie cheese

2. Layer brie cheese

3. Cover with turkey. I prefer mine chopped up. Otherwise, it seems like the whole piece of turkey tries to come with a bite.

3. Cover with turkey. I prefer mine chopped up. Otherwise, it seems like the whole piece of turkey tries to come with a bite.

4. Top with cranberry sauce. I prefer my homemade whole cranberry sauce.

4. Top with cranberry sauce. I prefer my homemade whole cranberry sauce.

5. Top with another slice of buttered bread.

5. Top with another slice of buttered bread.

6. Check the bottom layer of bread. Once the bread is a golden brown, carefully flip. 

7. Let the second piece of bread become golden brown. 




