Transparency...and dessert

I said that I would be a more transparent this time around with my website. Show more me this time. People asked for it before...see me and my personality rather than some almost anonymous writer. I started off decent and included pictures of myself. I do have plans to include more of me, including videos.

However, my first step in transparency is a quick explanation on why I haven't been the most consistent in writing articles lately. I started off with a one a day, which under normal circumstances, will be my minimum. However, I have hit some days when there is nothing. It is not a lack of articles or an issue with just restarting the site. Nope. My transparent, honest answer is that I am in the middle of prepping to move from beautiful Washington back to my hometown in California. Anyone who has done a major move knows that comes with a lot of work. So, I will *try* to meet my one a day minimum over the next week or so, but my life has a lot going on. After that, I should be ready to roll again.

As for now, I know people love the enticing pictures of food. Here are some quick photos from our desserts last night. My girls have been great in getting ready for this move. So, last night we had Sushi Wednesday and enjoyed some desserts from Haggen. I love my small town in California. However, one thing I will miss, from up here, is my nice big Haggen store with a great bakery. I love making my own desserts at home. However, there is something about having a dessert prepared by someone else that makes it a treat.

Wasabi Rolls for Sushi Wednesday. 

Wasabi Rolls for Sushi Wednesday. 

Triple chocolate mousse from Haggen

Triple chocolate mousse from Haggen

Brownie mousse from Haggen

Brownie mousse from Haggen


